Why I'm Starting a Blog

I’m turning 26 today, and I’m writing this from Chiang Mai, Thailand.

My life changed drastically in the last two years.
I worked more than ever, traveled the world, and learned lots of things.
And I still do! Every day.

Being an illustrator means spending a lot of time creating, researching, and doing a lot of things by yourself.

You generate a lot of ideas, thoughts and other things–yet, sadly, no one sees them. Basically, there isn’t space for them in your portfolio or anywhere else.

You do a lot of stuff, but people usually can only see finished illustrations, and this is certainly less than 10% of what you spend your time on.

I definitely want to change this.
And I’ve created this blog for it.

This blog will be the space to share a lot of things with you. Things that you can’t normally see.

But I also want this blog to be a place where we get to know each other better.
A place that breaks the “illustrator solitude”, and creates an inspiring space for sharing ideas, thoughts, experience, knowledge and opinion.

What can you expect from this blog?

Reading experience

I designed this blog to bring you the most clean, pleasant and easy reading experience. I want you to really enjoy reading here.

That’s why there are no sidebars.
A lot of elements hide themselves when you don’t need them.
The focus on the content and minimalism have been the guide for creating this blog.

Breaking illustrator solitude

One of the main reasons to start this blog is to open the doors to the day to day work, but also to establish a new level of connection with you. To make this possible, I’ve created two ways of connecting inside the blog.

I’ve created a section called Get Involved where you can submit a question or topic suggestion. I will publish the relevant ones in the blog, but I will reply to all of them.

I’ve also built a comment system.

I would love if you use the comments to share your thoughts about the articles, expand the contents of the article, ask, or say anything you want. It would be awesome to create a small community here!

Subscribe by email and don’t miss out anything

The best way to stay tuned is to subscribe by email.

I offer a weekly email called Tips&Tools. In this email, I share my best discoveries and thoughts each week. I provide recommendations and useful content exclusively for my email subscribers.

I hate spam as much as you do, so I will be extremely respectful with your inbox.