Pictures from Second Thought Opening

A couple of weeks ago was the opening of Second Thought, my first solo exhibition in Barcelona.
A lot of people attended and we spent a very nice evening. It was a big pleasure to meet some of you, thank you for coming!

I also want to thank the guys from Oslo Graphic Barceloneta for working hard to make it possible.

The exhibition is still open; you can visit it until May 20 at Oslo Graphic Barceloneta.

Here are some pictures from the event (April 14).

Magoz illustrator, second thought exhibition 1 Magoz illustrator, second thought exhibition 2 Magoz illustrator, second thought exhibition 3 Magoz illustrator, second thought exhibition 4 Magoz illustrator, second thought exhibition 5 Magoz illustrator, second thought exhibition 6 Magoz illustrator, second thought exhibition 7 Magoz illustrator, second thought exhibition 8 Magoz illustrator, second thought exhibition 9 Magoz illustrator, second thought exhibition 10 Magoz illustrator, second thought exhibition 11 Magoz illustrator, second thought exhibition 13 Magoz illustrator, second thought exhibition 14 Magoz illustrator, second thought exhibition 15 Magoz illustrator, second thought exhibition 16