My 2016 Review

Every year, during the last days of December, I love going through the whole year and review what happened.

I sit down, away from distractions, and I focus on what happened in the last 12 months. I check my calendar, project folders and emails to help me to get the big picture. I write down a list of the highlights and I usually get surprised about how many things happened.

This year I’ve decided to split the highlights into two lists, one with what went well and another one including what didn’t.

Things that went well in 2016

Things that didn’t go well in 2016


As opposed to 2015, in 2016 I’ve been very focused on working. I’ve created a lot of illustrations but animations definitely got a lot of relevance in my work. I’m going to dedicate more time, efforts and resources to create animations in 2017. Jose and I have big plans together!

Because of that intense focus on working, I felt stressed and overwhelmed, and I even lost control of my routines and habits at some point. I started a couple of very interesting projects but I couldn’t find enough time to work on them properly.

For 2017 I’m definitely going to work on finding the balance between assignments and personal projects. Illustrators Essentials and developing self-initiated animations are going to be my priorities.

For 2017 I also need to create new routines for exercising, and other activities like reading and travelling.

Looking back and realising how the year has been makes me feel very grateful.

2017 is a new opportunity to improve those things that didn’t go so well and focus on new goals and objectives.